I’m an IB PYP student (Primary Years Programme) studying in Grade 4 at Sharanya Narayani International School, one of the top International Schools in Bangalore. In our PYP Units of Inquiry, we learn and inquire into many aspects of day-to-day life. In the Economics unit,...
“The world’s greatest problems do not result from people being unable to read and write. They result from people in the world-from different cultures, races, religions, and nations being unable to get along and to work together to solve the world’s intractable problems.” - James...
Have you ever experienced a touch that made you feel uncomfortable and kept it a secret? Do you know the difference between safe and unsafe touch? I am sure that most of us might have faced unsafe touch irrespective of our gender. “The true character of...
“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it within himself” - Galileo One thing I was fairly sure of from a young age was that I did not want to be a teacher, I waited to finish my schooling never wanting...
The students blew the balloons and put a knot. They wrote all the negative traits that they had observed in themselves and wanted to get rid of it. Next, they chose a friend from their class whom they were comfortable with to pop the negative...
I have always been introverted, and ever since my young age, I’ve had trouble talking to people and making friends. I’ve never bothered to socialize, and I doubt that I’m the only one. Since I had no friends to go out and play with, I...
My school’s name is Sharanya Narayani International School. It is near Hoskote in Bangalore. My school is great and very popular in Bangalore. Recently my school received a major acknowledgment and reward. SNIS was ranked as India’s top 9 and Bangalore’s top 5 International Day cum...
With or without our knowledge we set goals on a daily basis. I would say that any act that we do is somewhat a planned one rather than an impulsive one. We act impulsively when our emotions are at an extreme end. We set goals...
Many people have misconceptions about failure. They think that failure is a stepping stone for success, but what is a stepping stone? Let us first understand what the saying is actually saying. Success is what you learn from your failure and how you rectify it and...