Children learn by doing, using their senses, exploring their environment of people, things, places and events. Children do not learn as effectively when they are passive. Active engagement with things and ideas promotes mental activity that helps students retain new learning and integrate it with what they already know.
-The Multigrade Teacher’s Handbook, published by the Bureau of Elementary Education, Department of Education, Culture, and Sports, the Philippines, in cooperation with UNICEF, 1994.
Our teaching and learning is rooted in questioning. Students question to investigate and teachers provoke the students to stimulate learning and elicit understanding. We avoid interfering with the student learning process by directly answering their questions. Instead, we encourage them to Inquire, Think, Act, and Reflect in order to develop an enduring understanding and subsequently take meaningful action.In this process students learn to investigate, communicate, collaborate, consider different perspectives, make decisions and solve problems effectively which are essential 21st century skills.