Take a break!

Take a break!


Have you ever felt burnout? or felt like you want to have some peace? if you did then you need a break!!! Because I felt that breaks are necessary for me.

Signs that you might need a Break

  1. You are stressed

You might have to consider taking a break when you feel too stressed about work or anything else because this stress might lead to anger and anxiety where you might race your thoughts and make bad decisions.

It is completely okay to take a break though you have a lot of work. Plan the work accordingly and plan how you are going to spend your break. Just remember that your break will not include your school/office or any work that gives you stress. Because understand that the need for a break is to relieve stress.

  1. You do not enjoy things

I love to dance! If my mood is off, the first thing that comes to my mind is to dance. However, when it came to a situation where I was burnt out and angry, I felt like not dancing but just kept thinking about how I am going to finish all the work. So, if you feel like you do not enjoy things you used to do before or the things that keep you happy, it is time for a break!

  1. You do not want to Socialize

When you feel burnt out or worried about your work or other problems, you might feel like not want to talk to anyone or not take part in a conversation, but believe me, sharing your thoughts, expressing your feelings to someone you trust or someone you are close with helps a lot! By expressing your feelings, you feel better and relaxed! So, let it out!

A break is necessary sometimes and it is absolutely okay to stop everything you are doing and have time for yourself because always remember, Self-love is love, not selfishness. Self-love is important!

What to do during the break?

You can do a lot of things!! start with the things that keep you happy, and try to bring back the interest!

Here is a list of things you can do

  • Spend time in nature
  • Watch movies/binge
  • Read books
  • Listen to music
  • Journal things down
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Plan outings or vacations
  • Stay away from social media
  • Play video games or sports
  • Exercise
  • Call your loved ones
  • Develop a new habit. For example, Art/Coloring/Bullet journaling

Seems like a lot of random stuff to do but the point of the break is to do whatever you feel like, of course, not work-related!

As a student of SNIS, one of the top IB schools in India, I have been fortunate to have teachers who have given me the opportunity to explore myself and guide me when I reach close to the point of needing a break. As a boarding student of SNIS, one the top residential schools in India, I have been given ample occasions to express myself and engage in various activities such as dance (my favorite!), play sports, spend time with friends and in the abundant nature available in our 60-acre campus, read books and talk to my parents during phone call timings thus giving me the time and space to ensure that I do not burn out.

Akshaya Indumuru
  SNIS student

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