09 May SNIS Students Celebrate the World Book Day
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
~ Dr. Seuss
The World Book Day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and most importantly it’s a celebration of reading. It is the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. On 23rd April, 2019 the world celebrated the 22nd World Book Day. The students SNIS came together on the 26th April to commemorate this wonderful day and staged a number of interesting performances.
The event celebrating the World Book Day at SNIS started with an elegant performance of “Ganesh Vandana” – a South Indian classical dance – by Akshaya of Grade 8. This was followed by a dance performance by our tiny tots from Nursery and K1 who shook their cute legs to some nursery rhymes. Next, the K2 students entertained the audience with their energetic recitation of poems in English, Hindi and Kannada.
Students of classes 1 to 3 participated in a fancy dress competition and dressed as characters from their favourite books. They entertained the audience with a small mono-act of their favourite character. Students of grades 4 and 5 demonstrated their communication skills by talking about their favourite book or author in a one-minute speech competition. Students belonging to the PYP (Primary Years Program) were divided into groups and were asked to promote their favourite book through posters. Post lunch, the PYP students enjoyed yet another colourful activity of designing a book cover and appreciated an engaging storytelling session.
While the PYP students were engaged in oral communication activities, the middle school students were equally engaged in literature activities through writing and expressing themselves through art. Their session kick-started with a young author, Ms. Elise Swain, briefly introducing her book “Trial of Identity”. She answered the students’ questions about her novel and about communication through writing in general. Ms. Swain also signed her first edition copies purchased by the students. This was followed by “Twist a Tale” competition held for Grades 6-10 where the students had to recreate the ending for popular Shakespearean dramas and in a fun-filled activity of “Graffiti” art competition under the theme “Books are the best”.
Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developing good reading habits is vital to your child’s future not just academically but in terms of developing a great personality as well. Parents and teachers should make sure that they encourage students to read as many books as possible, from various genres in order to open up a whole new world for them. Good schools take care of this, and hence, you must make sure you put your child in one of the best international schools in Bangalore like SNIS (Sharanya Narayani International School). SNIS encourages students of all classes to read books from various genres so that they can build interest in various fields.
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