13 Jun Field trips are an enriching learning experience
I believe that field trips have and continue to enhance my learning greatly, and that obtaining hands-on experiences has enabled me to better understand the world around me. Field visits have not only boosted my comprehension of the subject, but also allowed me to go deeper into the unknown.
At SNIS (Sharanya Narayani International School), one of the top international schools in Bangalore, field trips are an integral part of the learning process. They have been some of the most constructive experiences, which have given us an opportunity to develop ideas, skills, and learn effectively. There are several interesting tours made by us students for several reasons. It has been educational, research oriented an even based on non-experimental subjects. It has helped us find practical solutions to real issues and understand how the world works.
Students of grades 8, 9, and 11 visited the Gone Mad Chocolate Factory in order to gain a better grasp of the business world (Garuda Polyflex). We could observe and analyse an established company’s manufacturing process, quality control procedures, etiquettes and rules. It was a refreshing change of pace from classroom routines and research based assignments.
It had been a long voyage, and when we arrived, the first thing that we did was to take the necessary safety precautions. For example, items such as earrings, necklaces, watches, and any other little objects that could tamper with the production were requested to be removed. They also had a metal detector through which the final chocolates passed through. This machine double-checked the chocolate for any metal fragments.
The factory was enormous with numerous structures inside. The premise was clean, eco-friendly and highly organized. Firstly, we entered the building and were directed to the production facility, where we were required to wear masks, remove our spectacles, and cover our shoes. This illustrated the importance of adhering to tight laws and regulations in order to run a successful business. In addition to introducing us to these laws and regulations, they took us through each of the machines, describing their roles and what would happen if the flow was disrupted. They demonstrated how employees designed the wafers using CAD (computer-aided design), but not everything was automated, as the wafers had to be manually packed into boxes after they were ready to be wrapped. They would weigh the boxes, count the wafers inside, and finish packing them. As it all unfolded before our eyes, our knowledge based on classroom learning made an instant practical real world connection. We were also lucky enough to experience a market survey and research, we were used as participants and were handed out chocolate sticks to test and take our input. We were also asked to fill out forms about what we liked and disliked about the product. After we finished our packed lunches, we were allowed to purchase some chocolates to take back.
Another instance that enlightened our learning experience was the visit to the NIMHANS Institute. After we arrived, we were taken through a presentation, which conveyed to us wondrous new things about the human brain and the nervous system. After the presentation, we had the opportunity to observe the brain, a heart, and a small intestine and we were even allowed to touch these organs. According to me and most of my classmates, this was the best part of the field trip as this was the first time I got the opportunity to ever touch human organs. Following which, we went around and explored and examined the different samples of the brain that they had on display.
Field trips integrate learning and enjoyment, making them truly enriching experiences. Hence, it is important to have field trips in schools as they make us lifelong learners.
Rithvik Raamkumar
Grade 9
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