Imagine we are all boarding a train, waiting to debark at different stations, the stations here are the universities. These stations are metaphorically our chosen career choices or destinations. Looking back at the memory lane, I recollect having a discussion with my mother when she told me that she deboarded her train at a station, which was decided by her parents. It was not long ago, when our parents were just told which college they had to join and the course they are going to pursue. They were unaware of how the world was going to change. They did not have any guidance to show them that there are several universities around the world waiting to offer them so many choices which would help transition them seamlessly into the new modern world with innumerable opportunities and choices.
Then came the day when I had to board my train. I knew my station but was not aware of the choices I had. I just picked from the few choices that were given to me and deboarded my train.
But today’s students are different, they have the luxury of information on their finger tips. Let’s look at the journey our students can take today. With the guidance and availability of information they are able to make a well informed decision in choosing the right station which will lead them to their dream career or job. I often hear students come to me and ask the question which university should I pick? My answer to them is always the same, I tell them to ask themselves, “which college is the best fit for me?” Let me take you a little bit deeper into this thought.
Some of the mistakes that I commonly see students make while choosing their college are:-
- Rushing through the process – Students must understand that picking the right college requires a lot research and filling in the applications on time as well. Waiting till the last minute will make them pick any college that has availability which defeats the whole purpose of a right fit.
- The Ivy leagues & Legacy Lure – Only considering the IVY leagues and the colleges which their parents, family members or siblings have gone to may not be in their best interest. Just because it is an IVY league school, it does not mean it is the right school for you.
- Following friends – Applying and going to the same college where your best friend is going, may seem exciting in the beginning, but may not be the best decision for the student.
- Rebel – Looking at colleges just because your parents don’t want you to go there is not a right approach either. Decision to choose a college must not be based out of spite.
- Assuming the worst – The decision to not apply to a particular school thinking that they will not accept you is undermining your potential. Students must at least give it a try.
- Visiting a college – Looking at a picture of a college online may be often misleading so it is better to visit the college and see the campus. If visiting a college is not possible, you can take a college tour online.
- Having a one track mind – Only thinking about one college and keeping your mind set to only join that college may not be a good decision. You can still attend your number one choice but must investigate other options as well.
- The college which specializes in your major – If the student has chosen a college solely for a particular career path it may not be the right move. Most students change their majors more than once in their first year after joining.
Students must remember the magic word “RESEARCH” before finalizing the best fit college for them.
At Sharanya Narayani International School (SNIS), one of the top IB schools in Bangalore, the IBDP students are counselled and guided through this entire process by experts and professionals from different fields. They are exposed to all possibilities and choices. The IBDP students of SNIS have gained admissions to prestigious universities internationally with scholarships and have also joined India’s leading universities.
College counselling is a part of the school curriculum for students of grades 8 to 12. SNIS’ college counselling department provides senior school students and parents, individualized support and advice as they navigate their way through college placements in Indian & global universities and innumerable career options. The main aim of the college counselling department is to help students navigate successfully through academic, peer and parental pressures as they face standardized tests, the challenges of college admissions, scholarship and financial aid requirements, application process and entrance into a competitive job market
The career counselling department of SNIS helps students to become familiar with career opportunities by providing them with vital information on global competitiveness in the fast-paced world, to make informed choices concerning their career options.
Top 15 Mistakes to Avoid in Choosing a College
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