How to Avoid Distractions in a Study at Home Routine

Adjusting to the new normal of 2020 in isolation, education has embraced digital technology as the only way to cope up with the global pandemic keeping human life hostage. The drastic change in the means of delivering students education through dedicated online platforms has made a radical shift in the way students learn at home in the digital age.

Especially now that every single activity has shifted to an indoor at-home environment, the student study space lacks the transition from the school routine, counting in the commute and a dedicated school day worth of experience. While studying at home, distractions are everywhere. And indulging in these distractions on a daily basis without a disciplined study routine will hurt your study process and lead to poor concentration leading to feelings of frustration.

Here are some simple but effective ways you can avoid distractions drawing into your study at home routine and engage in deep study, making every school day a productive one.


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Put a Timer on your Social Media Browsing


We all know how social media is a black hole that eats up your time posing as one of the biggest distractions for students studying at home during the pandemic. Bring a little discipline into your routine and schedule how much time you can spare to spend on social media to avoid going down the social media drain. Checking your social media while transitioning into different phases of your day and browsing your accounts while you’re taking a break or having lunch is a great trick that’ll help you save time and cut back on the social media procrastination.


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Take Notes in Online Classes


With student education having completely shifted to an online platform with virtual classes, assignments and online quizzes, both teachers and students are getting used to the new normal of the education industry. While taking all your classes online, your brain may wander far off from the topic and get distracted from time to time in class staring at a screen. To keep your mind from drifting away and lose your attention in class, take down your notes to focus better in class. Keeping your hands busy writing and your mind occupied will ensure that your attention is wholly focused on your studies. With Smart classrooms, iPads, and a digital library to support the teaching-learning process, students at SNIS International School near WhitefieldBangalore, are offered a technology-enhanced learning experience that aligns school education with professional skill requirements that they will need within a few years.

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Get Dressed for Online Classes


Ib schools in bangalore  Share your Study Schedule with your Family


In isolation, everyone is stuck at home with their schedule tightened up around their bundle of the day. It’s easy to get distracted by how the other members of your family are spending their day at home. Share your study plans with your family and let them know your tasks for the day to minimise the distractions that come with a study-at-home atmosphere. Ask your family members to lend their support and work together with you on your study plans. Equipping students with key disciplinary and self-assessment skills, at SNISInternational School near Whitefieldwe encourage our students to be mindful of their school journey and share their progress with the parents including them in every phase of student learning.

Ib schools in bangalore  Stay Active to Stay Productive

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